Older, and wiser? The old, old story

It’s good to pause at the end of the year and remind ourselves of some of the fractures the UK Referendum revealed, not least between young and old. There was a clear divide between older (55+) and younger voters. Some of the youngsters seemed to think we oldies should have been  disenfranchised, because: “Once again … More Older, and wiser? The old, old story

Democratic Deficit

We follow up our recent post, To veto or not to veto, with more discussion on democracy and the EU (see also Discontented Democrats). Meanwhile here is the definition of the term ‘democratic deficit’ from the EU’s own glossary: “‘Democratic deficit’ is a term used by people who argue that the EU institutions and their … More Democratic Deficit

To Veto or not to Veto?

The EU, stung by criticism of its “democratic deficit”, tried to improve control over its unelected Commission. It hasn’t worked. Two academics, one German and one American, have published a review of legislative procedures in the EU. Their article can be found on a website of the London School of Economics: http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2016/10/25/a-dearth-of-legislative-vetoes/ “Several reforms have … More To Veto or not to Veto?

Freedom of Movement (1)

A review, with quotations, of an analysis of the EU’s pet fundamental, by a legal expert. This blog: http://eulawanalysis.blogspot.my/2016/11/eu-free-movement-law-in-10-questions.html offers useful clarification on the contentious issue of freedom of movement of persons/labour (the two words are widely used indiscriminately but are obviously different. Treaties refer to ‘persons’ but in practice freedom is restricted mostly to workers … More Freedom of Movement (1)


Uncertainty still rules One thing we know for certain – the future is uncertain. Economic forecasts are certainly unreliable, as we’ve pointed out before (in Economics and Economic Forecasts are wrong), and any uncertainties in the data dramatically disturb the mathematical models used to predict the outcomes of decisions. Likewise, extraneous events in our uncertain … More Shorties-4